Welcome to Primus Web Ventures

We come from an experience of 10 years, having worked on diversified web-based projects; including e-commerce, corporates, and public sector websites. Serving the public sectors has been our major focus and we're proud to have been working in association with various bodies at National, State, and Semi-Government levels, and also State-Aided enterprises, for the digital development projects.

About Us

Believes in providing quality work, keeping creativity and innovation as the driving force. Developers and designers at Primus Web Ventures strive to build user-friendly and attractive websites that would blend well with their customers’ desired aesthetics.


The Documentation, Administration, Tracking, Delivering and Reporting of a system for the process of learning through the electronic media to train and educate the mass.


To improve the relation of the government with the Common man, we integrate systems to easily manage and facilitate the various services that a the government needs.

E Governance

A structure for the Citizens to directly connect to the Government for various uses like Communications , Exchange of Information and many more so as to connect everyone with the public services via the Internet.


Utilising the technology to streamline and optimize all Government Operations is Quite challenging and complex process in its own, with proper planning and implementation it can be done easily.

our team

Gaurav Jain


Vaibhav Jain


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